Decoding Attachment Styles

GHOSTING- Why They Do That

Annalisa Bahadur

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Ghosting is a phenomenon where one person abruptly cuts off all communication with another without any explanation or warning. This can leave the person being ghosted feeling confused, hurt, and rejected. The sudden disappearance of someone they thought they had a connection with can lead to feelings of abandonment and low self-worth. The lack of closure can also leave the person haunted by unanswered questions and doubts about themselves.

Psychologically, ghosting can have a significant impact on a person's mental health. It can trigger feelings of anxiety, depression, and self-doubt, as they struggle to make sense of the sudden rejection. The lack of communication can lead to rumination and overthinking, as the person tries to understand what they did wrong or why they were not worthy of a simple explanation. This can erode their self-esteem and trust in others, making it difficult for them to form new relationships in the future.

The emotional fallout from being ghosted can also manifest in physical symptoms such as insomnia, loss of appetite, and increased stress levels. The sense of betrayal and abandonment can linger long after the ghosting incident, affecting the person's ability to trust and open up to others. It can take time and effort to heal from the psychological damage caused by ghosting, as the person works through their feelings of rejection and learns to rebuild their self-esteem and sense of worth.

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